martes, 15 de julio de 2014

2nd week!! Employee Paradise!!

This week, we met a different teacher, Steve Kruse, he teached us about Human Resources in France. Really interesting!!

I learned about all the benefits the employees get in this country and how the laws work in order to keep the employee employed.

Steve called it "Employee paradise" and I agree, it is incredible how people here can keep their jobs even if they are lazy, bad at it, rude with coworkers, their employers and even clients, and all because firing somebody in this country takes months, a lot of money and it sounds like it is exshausting, besides, the employee CAN sue the companie for firing him or her, even if the dismiss of this person is valid, the laws, judges and jury are on the employee's side, so almost everytime, the employee wins and the company ends up paying thousands of euros to this person!

I find this unbeliable!! To be an employee here is best, but I feel bad for the owners of companies! They have to be extremly carefull during the selection process of workers, and also during the trial period they give the almost new employees, but even if they are, people can act  like they are kind, hard workers, loyal, etc, and after that trial period, if they get hired, and sign a contract, they can change! And the companies are stock with this people.

Also, if somebody has been working for a year in a company, and they don't want to anymore, they rather get fired than resignate on their own because if they get fired, they can get into the unemployment program, and depending on the reason of the firing, they give them money for two years!

I can't believe the attitude of people here, they get 5 and a half payed vacations each year, they can study more, even if it has nothing to do with their actual jobs, they can leave their jobs for a year, without payment but with your possition secure in the company, and a fund covers everything for them! And I see people angry and fighting on the streets! With a frown walking around or on the metro.

I have experience some bad service in restaurants during this 2 weeks I've been here and I always think about what I learned this week, how sad for the employers, that sometimes, they can't afford to fire somebody, but it affects the image of their business.

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